Screened Adaptor System 250 A, 24 kV

Raychem separable Screened Adaptors are designed to connect single-core polymeric cables to medium voltage equipment (transformers, switchgears, motors etc.) up to 24 kV.
Made of crosslinked EPDM and protected with a minimum 3 mm moulded conductive shield connected to earth, Raychem deadbreak adaptors
are suitable for both indoor and outdoor installations.
Their wide application range allows a minimum number of bodies to cover several different cable cross-sections without the need for additional cable adaptors. The cut-back dimensions for all cable sizes are the same for RSSS and RSES.
Raychem Screened Adaptors are equipped with a capacitive test point to ensure that the circuit is not energised before disconnection. The capacitive test point is protected by a conductive cap. A range of high strength bimetallic compression connectors tested to VDE 0220 are
offered to connect both aluminium and copper conductor cables.
After cable preparation and lubrication, the Raychem Screened Adaptors can simply be slid into place under virtually all conditions. A separable
mounting system provides for an easy installation of the adaptor onto the bushing.
In addition, Rayvolve tubing or heatshrink phase-marking sleeves are offered as an option, to provide a superior environmental seal.